Tuesday 17 December 2013

4 Meals for Mind and Body

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Satisfying food cures

These tasty eats will boost your mood, up your love life, and help you burn fat without trying.

Feel-Good Salmon Sandwich
Pan-seared salmon with walnut-and-spinach pesto on whole-grain roll with radicchio.

Salmon is a great source of mood-boosting omega-3 DHA fatty acids, and spinach is packed with magnesium, which has a relaxing effect and helps lower blood pressure. Get your fill of walnuts—they are a natural source of melatonin, which can help you get a better night's sleep.

The Benefit: makes you happy and calm all for just 420 calories and 35g of heart-healthy fats. 

Mediterranean Detox Salad

Watercress, artichokes, celery, red onion, and feta tossed with cucumber vinaigrette.

Loaded with bloat-fighting water, cukes also have vitamin C and caffeic acid, which combats swelling. Watercress and artichokes both have diuretic properties to help you beat the bloat, and artichokes are also a natural source of the soluble fiber inulin. The sodium and potassium in celery help bring your fluids back into balance.

The Benefit: flushes toxins and beats the bloat for a mere 170 calories and 11g of fat. 

Libido-Boosting Stir-Fry

Skirt steak stir-fried with bell peppers, asparagus, ginger, soy sauce, lime juice, and brown rice, and topped with cashews.

Asparagus serves up a hit of vitamin E, helping your body pump out estrogen and testosterone. The zinc in beef also gives you a testosterone boost, which is key to a healthy female libido. Brown rice also boasts libido-upping zinc, plus slow-burning carbs for lasting power in bed. Cashews have long been considered a natural aphrodisiac.

The Benefit: gets you hot and bothered—in a good way and weighs in at a trim 318 calories and 11g of fat. 

Blackberry-Banana Slim-Down Smoothie

Banana and blackberries blended with light coconut milk, low-fat yogurt, and a touch of lemon zest and honey.

Blackberries really fill you up, thanks to all that fiber. Bananas contain resistant starch (RS), a carb that acts like fiber and also helps you feel full and slim down. (Underripe ones give the biggest RS benefit.) The oil found in coconut fruit helps you shed belly fat, while yogurt (along with other dairy products) is a top source of CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), a fatty acid that fights off fat.

The Benefit: unleashes your natural fat-burning power and has only 250 calories and 5g of fat.

 The Best Ways to Boost Your Metabolism
You may have inherited your mom's slow-mo metabolism, but you’re not stuck with it. New research shows you can trick your body into burning calories more efficiently, especially if you hit the gym.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

7 Most Important Tips to Lose Weight

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People who want to lose weight and people who want to maintain their weight loss often assume the same strategies. Eat less and exercise, right? Well, yes, to a point. While watching your portions and working up a sweat are always good beauty and health plans (regardless of if you want to drop pounds or not), turns out that the way you lose weight versus the way you keep that weight off are different.

If your goal is: Losing weight
Be a master planner Most of us have our schedules planned down to the last minute-from early a.m. meetings to conference calls to that dentist appointment you're (finally!) getting around to-but rarely do we give that much thought to planning our meals.
 Turns out it's in your best interest. A study from Penn State found that subjects who planned what they ate ahead of time were almost twice as likely to report successful weight loss than those who didn't. 
"Aim for five small meals a day, and plan everything in advance," says Kristin Kirkpatrick, R.D., YouBeauty Nutrition Advisor and wellness manager at the Cleveland Clinic. "Prepare your meals on the weekends when you have time, and never go more than 3 ½ hours without putting something in your mouth. Carry a low-sugar energy bar, trail mix or an apple so you're not tempted to buy a snack from the office vending machine."
 The other key to successful meal planning? Portion control. "People don't have a running meter on their mouth that says 'I hit 500 calories, I'm done.' You have to control your portion sizes," says Christopher Sciamanna, M.D., professor of medicine and public health sciences at Penn State College of Medicine. 

 For those just starting their quest to lose weight, Dr. Sciamanna recommends pre-packaged meals. "They're inexpensive, and they're brainless," he says. Caveat: Skip frozen "diet" dinners. "They tend to be low in quality nutrients and fiber," says Kirkpatrick. Instead, choose pre-packaged meals rich in vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. Dr. Sciamanna's pick: Kashi. 
Once you've gotten an idea of what a proper portion size looks like, you can graduate to D.I.Y. pre-packaging: Portion out your meal, then put away the serving bowl. "Don't leave it sitting out on the table, waiting for you to refill your plate," says Dr. Sciammana.

When it comes to working out, play the field
 Conventional wisdom says if you want to lose weight, you have to pick an exercise program and stick with it-but experts say that's actually not the case.
"You don't have to exercise to lose weight. I tell my patients that every day," says Dr. Sciamanna.
 "Exercise helps augment weight loss, but it actually doesn't burn that many calories," explains Anne McTiernan, M.D., director of the Prevention Center at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, WA. "If you walk on the treadmill for half an hour, then eat a 200-calorie granola bar, you'll have undone the calorie burn you got from the treadmill." 

However, before you gleefully toss your gym shoes in the trash, know that exercisedoes play an important role in maintaining weight loss. The smartest workout strategy: If you're just starting out, don't force yourself into an impossible-to-achieve workout regimen, then feel guilty because you didn't stick with it. Instead, try out different kinds of exercise until you hit on something you enjoy. Science supports you: Researchers at Penn State found that subjects who tried out different forms of exercise were more likely to lose weight than those who attempted to adhere to a consistent routine. 
"You have to try out different things," says Dr. Sciamanna. "If you don't find something that you like, you're just not going to stick with it long-term." 

Get a little help from your friends
 Subjects who participated in a weight-loss program were more successful at dropping pounds than those who didn't, according to the Penn State study. "If you go to a group-based program every week or every other week, you'll lose weight," says Dr. Sciamanna. "But the key is to keep going. Studies show that most people drop out within a month."
So why exactly do weight-loss programs help you shed pounds? "Many people find that programs provide social support, and help them feel accountable," says Dr. McTiernan. Essentially, accountability means you're reporting to someone who's helping to track your progress: pounds lost, time spent exercising, etc. Think of it as a cross between your boss and your own personal weight-loss cheerleader. "You could also do the accountability part with your doctor or other health care provider, or a family member or friend," adds Dr. McTiernan.

 And as with everything else these days, you can also go the digital route. "Some people do better with an online program they can log-in to anytime they want. It all depends on the individual," says Kirkpatrick. "Just make sure to contact the program first, and ask for referrals and outcomes." 

De-sugar your diet
 From juice to soda to pasta sauce, sugar sneaks into our diets in so many ways. "In addition to being high in calories, sugary foods tend to be very low in overall nutrition. And the more sugar you feed your taste buds, the more sugar they want," says Kirkpatrick. 
Losing weight successfully means weaning yourself off the white stuff as much as possible. "When you're shopping for food, avoid any products that have sugars or syrups in the first five ingredients," says Kirkpatrick. She recommends using fresh berries in your yogurt or cereal in the morning, and sprucing up your water with fresh mint, strawberries or cucumber.
 One more thing: Don't think that simply switching to artificially sweetened snacks or diet soda will be a quick fix. "Diet colas don't take away your need and desire for sweets, and they may actually hinder your weight loss efforts," says Kirkpatrick. 

If your goal is: Keeping weight off
Make exercise part of your life
 In the Penn State study, subjects who reported following a consistent workout routine were almost twice as likely to maintain their weight loss than those who didn't. "We found that earlier in the process, people who experimented with different forms of exercise were more successful. But over time, it becomes about a routine," explains Dr. Sciamanna. "It has to be something you don't need to think about, and that fits into your life easily." 
For the best results, Dr. McTiernan recommends at least 30 minutes of exercise per day. "Schedule it into your day like you do other appointments," she suggests. And keep in mind that you don't have to change into your Lululemon gear and hit the gym to reap the benefits of working out. "Take walk breaks instead of coffee breaks at work, and stand up often if you have a sedentary job," she says. 

Choose low-fat, high-quality protein sources
 "We live in a carb-laden world," says Dr. Sciamanna. And unfortunately, most of the carbs within easy reach aren't of the high-fiber, whole-grain variety. Take a peek at your office vending machine and what do you see? Pretzels, chips, cookies and candy bars, most likely. "These snacks will only fill you up for a short period of time," says Kirkpatrick. "You'll be looking for something else to eat shortly after." 
 The solution? Low-fat, high-quality protein. "Protein promotes satiety-it helps you feel full," explains Dr. Sciamanna. Lean meats such as chicken and turkey, fish, beans, yogurt and nuts are all excellent sources of low-fat and/or high-quality protein. In fact, when researchers at Harvard University analyzed more than 20 years worth of nutritional studies, they found that yogurt and nuts were the two foods most closely tied to weight loss. Just make sure to choose yogurt without added sugar or artificial sweeteners, and if you decide to snack on nuts, portion them out beforehand so you don't overdo it, since nuts are higher in fat content. 

(P.S. The Harvard study found that some of the worst offenders for weight gain included potato chips, sugar-sweetened drinks, red meat and processed meats. Surprised? Neither were we.)

Remind yourself why you want to maintain your weight loss
"In our research, we found that a few cognitive practices were particularly useful for weight loss maintenance," says Dr. Sciamanna. So what exactly is a cognitive practice? Nothing more than a thought or mantra that you try to think of often.
It doesn't have to be anything complicated, and we're not here to judge. "I want to be a fit, healthy role model for my daughter" and "I want to fit into my favorite J Brands" work equally well in our book. In this case, it's the thought that counts!

Health Benefits from Avocados

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Avocados are considered as some of the healthiest food sources, especially when it comes to good fats. While they are usually mistaken for as vegetables, they are actually fruits which have a high content of vitamins, good fats, fibre, proteins, and some calories as well. Avocados contain omega-3 fats and monounsaturated fats. Vitamins in these fruits include B vitamins like folate and folic acid, and vitamins, K, E, C, and A. It is also a good source of some minerals such as potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, and iron.
Because of the phytochemicals in avocados, it can fight diseases and other illnesses. Some of these phytochemicals include lutein, betasitosterol, and glutathione. Avocados can help achieve the following beneficial effects:
·  Improved brain health
·  Healthier heart and arteries
·  Lower levels of bad cholesterol
·  Regulation of blood sugar
·  Improved digestion
·  Anticancer
·  Anti-aging
·  Anti-inflammatory
·  Skin health
·  Better pregnancy
·  Improved eye health
·  Healthier blood pressure levels
Selecting and Ripening Avocados
Avocados are usually available in the market but there are times when you would have to ripen them first. Pick avocados which are firm and green and then you can ripen them at home. You will confirm that it is properly ripening when you notice the skin getting brown. You can ripen it by placing it in a paper bag and seal it. This will trap the naturally released ethylene gas which will help it ripen faster in about three to six days. The ripening process can even be helped by placing an apple, tomato, or a banana in the bag as well. Take note not to store the avocados in the refrigerator since they will not properly ripen that way.
Including Avocados to Your Diet
You can eat avocados as they are or in guacamoles, salads, and as an addition to some sandwich slices. You can even try avocado deviled eggs by combining the 12 egg yolks with a ripe avocado, and seasoning the mixture with some mayonnaise, a tablespoon each of Dijon mustard, capers, cumin, a dash of salt, some cilantro, and a tablespoon of chilli powder. Add a squeezed and zested lime and two finely chopped and seeded jalapeno peppers.

Types of Psychotherapy

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Psychotherapy is a medical discipline which is used to treat several psychological conditions. This therapy is almost always used in conjunction with medications. There are a variety of treatment techniques that make up psychotherapy and different types of these treatments usually make for different types of psychotherapy.
In a typical session of psychotherapy, the person suffering from a mental illness is interviewed by a licensed professional therapist. During this interview, the therapist tries to elicit as much information about the person and their illness as possible. Once the background history has been discussed, the therapist draws out a therapy plan and works with the patient to enable them to identify and work through all the various facets of the patient’s life, which contribute to their mental illness.
There are a lot of views on psychotherapy and a lot of debate on whether or not the various types of psychotherapies actually work. When seen scientifically, it is believed that the therapy does work because during the therapy, through active participation, the therapist tries to understand the nature of the patient’s problems and the factors that are aggravating it.
Detailed discussions are held to understand the life events and the medical history associated with the mental illness of the patient. The therapist then methodically helps the patient work through their own problems in a systematic way so that they can regain the sense of pleasure and purpose in their life. During these different types of psychotherapy sessions, the doctor is also able to help the patient learn various coping techniques so that the patient can learn to cope with everyday problems without the help of the therapist. The ability to cope with their problems can help patients learn problem solving skills and enable them to face future problems without getting disoriented or discouraged.
Psychotherapy for depression is one of the most common types of psychotherapy. This is partly because depression is one of the most common mental illnesses affecting people of all ages, all over the world, and partly because psychotherapy has been found to be the most effective method of dealing with depression. There are various formats in which psychotherapy may be given to a person. Integrative psychotherapy is one kind of therapy that can be carried out on an individual or in a group. This kind of therapy integrates several principles of psychology like behavioral therapy, occupational therapy, and depression therapy, to address a mental illness in a more comprehensive manner.
Anxiety psychotherapy is another one of the most popular psychotherapy treatments. This treatment is usually extended from the individual and group formats to couples and family format as well. Often, when a person is suffering from intense anxiety, it is possible that the other family members of the married partner may be going through similar anxiety or stress. The family and couple therapy can also help bring in more clarity to the problem and create a healthy support group and environment for the patient to get better quickly.
The two most important approaches to psychotherapy include psychodynamic therapy and interpersonal therapy. Both these kind of therapies try to identify unresolved conflicts from a person’s life, the causes and the factors surrounding it, and trying to find ways and means through which the patient could possibly cope with them. These therapies are usually administered over a relatively longer period of time as compared to other therapies.
The various psychotherapy treatments involve psychotherapy for depression treatment and anxiety treatment. There are various types of psychotherapy for children as well and most of these types of psychotherapy treatments are for depression, which may set in at any age.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Can This Spray-On Clothing Clean Up the BP Oil Disaster?

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A naked woman stands in front of a fashion designer chemist - in short time, she is wearing a beautiful flowing dress to wear on the runway.

It was sprayed upon her body and crafted right there. It can be removed, washed, re-worn or dissolved and recycled into a new creation.

Spanish innovator Manel Torres is about to rock the fashion world; yet, his invention that was inspired by silly string, can go beyond fashion and clean up the impossible.

Fabrican is an aerosol spray that contains fibers and liquid polymers that dry and solidify when reached by air. This clothing, which is also non-flammable, would always fit the individual. It goes on the body like a second layer of skin in an unwoven fabric that comfortably rests on the wearer. It can be sculpted into different designs and painted for any color.

Given the synthetic materials, some people might not be able to enjoy that type of clothing, but its other applications are many. It could catapult the medical world with spray-on gauze, bandages and cast molds - nano technology could transform the gauze into a transdermal medicinal patch. The cast molds could be used to create solid furniture out of thin air.

One of the most compelling parts of the video was also the least focused upon. Torres does a small scale demonstration of oil resting on water in a bin. He then sprays the fabric web atop the water and the oil immediately absorbs into the floating gauze. He scoops up the soiled gauze, saying everything can be easily removed after the cleanup.

Although abated in the news, the aftermath of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion continues on with coverups, job loss, economic devastation, mysterious disease symptoms in humans, and death of aquatic life.

Not only did they use sub-company contractors to further pollute the gulf with toxic Corexit, but the bulk of their "clean up" since then has been spent on unhelpful boosts and PR sleight-of-hand. RT's Abby Martin gives a recap here, focusing on BP's paid PR trolls threatening online critics. On top of that and the $56 billion in fines, cleanup, etc., they used $92 million to sponsor tourism ads for the gulf which was misleading and insulting at best. They paid off millions more to law enforcement, churches, and other organizations for a “boost” but neglected to pay any ill health claims.

Yet, this entire time there have been many innovators to come forth offering to clean up their mess. One prime example is whistleblower Ron Johnson who has a pending lawsuit against BP with startling revelations of collusion and coverup. Furthermore, his invention, created 10 years before the disaster could have contained 100% of the spill in a few days, with no need for other toxins or oil fouling up thousands of miles beyond the shoreline. No need for the President to create a $20 billion response action, 30,000 people to help with cleanup efforts, job loss and health problems, or the thousands of animals that died, some of which were endangered. - See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2013/12/can-this-spray-on-clothing-clean-up-bp.html#sthash.0lQX3xar.dpuf
A naked woman stands in front of a fashion designer chemist - in short time, she is wearing a beautiful flowing dress to wear on the runway.
It was sprayed upon her body and crafted right there. It can be removed, washed, re-worn or dissolved and recycled into a new creation.

Spanish innovator Manel Torres is about to rock the fashion world; yet, his invention that was inspired by silly string, can go beyond fashion and clean up the impossible.

Fabrican is an aerosol spray that contains fibers and liquid polymers that dry and solidify when reached by air. This clothing, which is also non-flammable, would always fit the individual. It goes on the body like a second layer of skin in an unwoven fabric that comfortably rests on the wearer. It can be sculpted into different designs and painted for any color.

Given the synthetic materials, some people might not be able to enjoy that type of clothing, but its other applications are many. It could catapult the medical world with spray-on gauze, bandages and cast molds - nano technology could transform the gauze into a transdermal medicinal patch. The cast molds could be used to create solid furniture out of thin air.

One of the most compelling parts of the video was also the least focused upon. Torres does a small scale demonstration of oil resting on water in a bin. He then sprays the fabric web atop the water and the oil immediately absorbs into the floating gauze. He scoops up the soiled gauze, saying everything can be easily removed after the cleanup.

Although abated in the news, the aftermath of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion continues on with coverups, job loss, economic devastation, mysterious disease symptoms in humans, and death of aquatic life.
Not only did they use sub-company contractors to further pollute the gulf with toxic Corexit, but the bulk of their "clean up" since then has been spent on unhelpful boosts and PR sleight-of-hand. RT's Abby Martin gives a recap here, focusing on BP's paid PR trolls threatening online critics. On top of that and the $56 billion in fines, cleanup, etc., they used $92 million to sponsor tourism ads for the gulf which was misleading and insulting at best. They paid off millions more to law enforcement, churches, and other organizations for a “boost” but neglected to pay any ill health claims.

Yet, this entire time there have been many innovators to come forth offering to clean up their mess. One prime example is whistleblower Ron Johnson who has a pending lawsuit against BP with startling revelations of collusion and coverup. Furthermore, his invention, created 10 years before the disaster could have contained 100% of the spill in a few days, with no need for other toxins or oil fouling up thousands of miles beyond the shoreline. No need for the President to create a $20 billion response action, 30,000 people to help with cleanup efforts, job loss and health problems, or the thousands of animals that died, some of which were endangered. - See more at: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2013/12/can-this-spray-on-clothing-clean-up-bp.html#sthash.0lQX3xar.dpuf

Tips for Eat Well and Feel Well for Thanksgiving and Christmas

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A question I am often asked at this time of year is, “With the holidays just around the corner, how can I make healthy meals that are also delicious?”
Yes, the holiday season begins again in just a few short days, and with it comes the usual anxiety over packing on the pounds. Perhaps you’ve already resigned yourself to the fact that you will gain weight this winter and reverse all your hard-earned success. But what if I told you this year would be different, that you could keep those extra pounds at bay? The holidays won’t bring diet-disaster if you are equipped with the right tools and have a plan in place. The power is in your hands. All you have to do is choose not to be naughty this year.
To make this easier, I want to share with you some healthy and tasty menus that align with the goals of The Blood Sugar Solution program. These are excellent and delicious options even if you aren’t following the plan.
Basic Plan Menu 1 Citrus Crab Salad Roasted Root Vegetables with Turkey Sauteed Swiss Chard with Slivered Almonds Pomegranate Citrus Cranberry Sauce Dark Chocolate Drizzled Winter Fruit
Advanced Plan Menu 1 Artichoke Dip with Raw Veggies Creamy Asparagus Soup Dr. Hyman’s Raw Kale Salad Sauteed Spinach with Watercress Cauliflower Mashed Pseudo Potatoes Roast Turkey Breast and Avocado Cream on a Bed of Greens
Like these recipes? Find more to get you through the holidays in my new cookbook.
With all the parties and family gatherings, it’s inevitable that temptations will arise this time of year. Your best bet to overcome them is to prepare yourself for these bumps in the road. Here are 10 tips to help you avoid the holiday pitfalls:
  1. Begin your day as any other day on the plan; do not skip meals to save calories or carbohydrates.
  2. Eat a protein-packed snack an hour before your holiday meal.
  3. Don’t think of the holidays as an excuse to gorge on unhealthy food. Plan in advance to make sure there are options available that you can enjoy.
  4. Scan the spread before putting anything on your plate. Choose wisely!
  5. Set an intention for how you would like to feel after the meal and hold yourself accountable by sharing with a close friend or family member. Or write it in your journal.
  6. Start the meal with a soup, fresh vegetables, or a salad, and avoid any refined flour pastries or sweet appetizers to prevent the cycle of craving.
  7. Drink two glasses of water with lemon before the meal.
  8. Plan an activity to look forward to after the meal—a group walk, visiting with other friends or family, a group game, or playing with younger family members. Or try offering to clean up and help your host!
  9. Eat Mindfully:
    • Take five deep breaths before your meal.
    • Sit next to someone you genuinely find interesting and engage in pleasant conversation.
    • Appreciate the colors and smells of your food.
    • Chew thoroughly and slowly.
    • Put your fork down between bites.
    • Breathe in through your nose while you eat.
    • Express gratitude with others before the meal. Later that evening, write about your gratitude in your journal.
    • Halfway through the meal, put fork down and pause. Take three deep breaths and assess your hunger on a scale of 1-10. Ask yourself how much more you need to eat in order to walk away feeling energized and comfortable. Hint: Usually, this is around “6” or “7.”
    • Close your meal by saying something out loud about how delicious it was and how satisfied you are. Hearing yourself say this can help signal to you and others that you are finished.
    • Have a trusted friend or family help hold you accountable to your goals.
    • Begin and end the day by spending some time alone with your thoughts. Journaling is a great activity to help ground your intentions for the day. Use your journal to set goals, express your thoughts and feelings about how the day went, and track what you ate, how much you exercised and how your body felt.
  10. Most importantly, take time to enjoy healthy, wholesome meals with your friends and family and remember that you can heal your body and mind with each forkful of delicious food you enjoy.

Monday 2 December 2013

Lose weight, increase energy and relieve depression by boosting brain chemical dopamine – Here’s how to do it!

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Increase energy, lose weight, feel happier and eliminate depression by raising the levels of the brain neurotransmitter dopamine with simple dietary changes.
Dopamine is naturally produced by the brain and controls the body’s movements, stimulates metabolism and proper body weight, supports the circulatory system and governs the brain’s information flow. Too little dopamine in the system is responsible for a lack of response in an individual, deadening the ability to feel emotion and creating a sense of indifference. In addition, low dopamine levels slow the metabolism, contributing to weight gain, low energy, sluggishness and depression. Too little dopamine can cause unwanted bodily movements, jerking, twitching and slurred speech. Proper levels of dopamine are necessary to prevent conditions such as Parkinson’s disease. In the right amounts, dopamine encourages weight loss and helps the body maintain its proper weight.
Dopamine is naturally produced by the brain and controls the body’s movements, stimulates metabolism and proper body weight, supports the circulatory system and governs the brain’s information flow. Too little dopamine in the system is responsible for a lack of response in an individual, deadening the ability to feel emotion and creating a sense of indifference. In addition, low dopamine levels slow the metabolism, contributing to weight gain, low energy, sluggishness and depression. Too little dopamine can cause unwanted bodily movements, jerking, twitching and slurred speech. Proper levels of dopamine are necessary to prevent conditions such as Parkinson’s disease. In the right amounts, dopamine encourages weight loss and helps the body maintain its proper weight.
Foods that boost metabolism and restore dopamine levels
It’s important to maintain proper dopamine levels to enable an individual to experience their feelings of pleasure and have the ability to generate the energy to live life. Adequate dopamine raises the body’s energy levels and increases metabolism promoting weight loss and well being. A variety of foods can help boost metabolism while increasing the body’s ability to function at its optimal level.
· Proteins are high in amino acids which contribute to the production of chemicals that stimulate dopamine in the brain. Foods such as eggs, fish, poultry and red meats are all high in protein and great for increasing metabolism. Fish in particular, is high in protein and contains healthy Omega 3 fatty acids, which contribute to increased brain function. The best proteins are those that are organic and do not contain antibiotics, hormones or pesticides.
· Red beets restore dopamine levels and produce a sense of well being. Beets contain the amino acid betaine, which acts like an antidepressant, creating feelings of pleasure and joy.
· Apples boost brain power and help with weight loss. Apples are high in quercitin, a potent antioxidant, and may help prevent neurodegenerative diseases and stimulate dopamine production.
· Drink a daily dose of watermelon juice, which is high in vitamin B-6, an important nutrient for dopamine production
· Foods containing folate help the brain produce more dopamine. Good sources of folate are found in most leafy green vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, lentils, garbanzo beans, black beans, and papaya. Plant sources of folate must be eaten raw to provide enough folate as a nutrient source.
Amino acids, vitamins and herbs boost metabolism by raising dopamine levels in the brain
· Tyrosine is the main amino acid that triggers dopamine production in the brain. Foods high in tyrosine are bananas, strawberries, blueberries and prunes.
· Include a multivitamin containing vitamins B, C and E to help produce additional dopamine supplies in the brain, notes Franklin Institute’s, “Science Learning” website
· According to Blessed Maine Herbs, certain herbs are recommended to help the brain produce higher amounts of dopamine, such as fenugreek, ginkgo biloba, Indian ginseng, red clover, nettles, dandelion and peppermint. In particular, green tea contains polyphenols, which can increase dopamine output. These can be taken as supplements or consumed as herbal teas. Because herbs may cause side effects, it is necessary to use care when adding them to any health plan. An herbal practitioner should be consulted for directions how to use herbs and in what dose.
Sluggishness and lack of energy may indicate a serious disease in addition to low dopamine levels. If symptoms continue or do not respond to dietary changes or increased supplementation, see a health practitioner.