Becoming vegan – What if it’s wrong?
Being or becoming vegan isn’t always an easy task. Bombarded with criticism and doubt from all sides – to stand outside the crowd will put you through a series of tests, you will eventually have to pass. Our life is a list of choices, and this is one of those.I believe that all of us sometimes start doubting in our own decisions and choices that we’ve made; regardless of whether being good or bad. Even good choices – healthy choices – are put to the test everyday.
Perhaps we’ve chosen to stop smoking, or like in this example to become a vegan, but the loneliness of your position within this world and the rareness of like-minded people around you, might fill your mind with doubtful thoughts, corrosive thoughts, which start eating up your good will and determination.
Well, this video is designed for those kinds of days, when you are unsure, lost, or just bored by your own self (ill-will). This presentation from The Animals Rights Foundation of Florida, held by James Wildman, is a surprising piece of dedication to the cause of veganism. It inspired me to write out some of the questions and conclusions addressed in the video.
Becoming vegan – questions (and your answers)
Here is a collection of questions and facts that go through the presentation, which I’ve assembled as a sort of self-inquiry test for anyone whether undoubting his meat-position, for anyone becoming vegan, or for those vegans or vegetarians unsure of their perspective.Would you take a knife and kill an animal yourself?
What if there were no butchers, could you provide for your daily meat meals?
What if you had to do it – the killing – by yourself, would you do it?
Isn’t this realistic? That you should be capable of feeding yourself?
When you buy such products, aren’t you supporting slaughter of animals?
Is it ok, just because you don’t see it? The blood, the screams of the animals, the conditions of a life that exists for the only reason to be fed to ever hungry humans? Why don’t we see ‘a food’ when we look at puppies?
Oh, of course, they are our pets; that’s different. I think it’s a great example when he says (in the presentation) that many cultures eat dogs as we eat pigs, but we think of it as being something disgusting. Why? Yeah, they are our pets and companions, and we don’t want to see them dead; but why shouldn’t this apply to all animals?
Becoming vegan – Is it natural?
This is a further transcription of what he has to say (not word by word):“Something common for all beings on this planet, from the elephant to the insect, and eventually us: We all desire to live, and we all want to avoid pain. Every time we sit down for our meal, we create that separation between us and the animal to be able to eat it; this is how we’ve been taught to do it. A baby would always choose an apple over a live chicken for its meal; it’s natural.”
Becoming vegan – What about milk?
He says:“If you have a problem watching these kinds of videos, but you don’t have a problem eating your meal – then why the disconnection? Take a good look at where your food is coming from. 70% of antibiotics produced in the U.S. are fed to farm animals. Osteoporosis is directly linked to meat and dairy products. The body becomes acidic because of these products, and starts releasing calcium from your bones to establish an alkalized environment with a neutral pH level. As long as you eat these products, your body will be losing calcium, far from the ads that keep telling us that milk is good for us because of the calcium intake; it is, in fact, the opposite. Why is the elephant the largest and most powerful land animal? It eats only plants?! Milk is meant to be addictive, to make babies want to have more, and make them grow faster; but it was not meant to be consumed throughout our lives. When it comes to diet, we are the dumbest species on the planet.”………….but we can choose to change that.
Becoming vegan – at last
There is one last thing that came to my mind, when I was already finishing this article: I think that good things start happening to you when you are becoming vegan. Maybe because the negativity of the food is gone – I don’t know, but all I can tell you is that your life starts to change miraculously.Food is much more than just an energy source; it carries a vibration in itself, which can benefit you beyond all of your imagination – but don’t believe me – try it for yourself.
This is one of the best presentations on veganism I have seen so far.
We want to thank The Animals Rights Foundation of Florida for sharing this important information on the Internet.