Thursday, 10 October 2013

What are the benefits of a vegan diet? Why go vegan, anyways?

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Are there any benefits of a vegan diet?

Are we harming animals by consuming dairy? Is milk good for health? Is milk consumed everywhere in the world? Does our diet have any influence on wildlife?
Even people in India have caught the epidemics of diabetes and heart disease. Here is one institute organizing diabetes and heart disease reversal programs; teaching people how to eat and cook properly for better health and better living.
The project was established by Dr. Nandita Shah who is making a magnificent work for the environment, for animals, and for anyone seeking to find a solution to this food trap, we have all fallen into.
I’d like to share this video, mostly because I know that most people still don’t know why they should go vegan anyways; and what the benefits of a vegan diet are; how it relates to them and everybody else in this world. And we should not forget that the majority still believes diabetes and heart disease to be irreversible diseases.
In this video, you will get some information on all of this, but you can always visit their website and Dr Nandita Shah herself at
I can’t stretch enough that she is doing a fantastic work; you can also visit one of her reverse-disease-programs, which have shown incredible results.
All further information you can find on the Sharan (Sanctuary for health and reconnection to animals and nature) website.