Monday, 28 October 2013

Six Infallible Home Remedies for Anxiety

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Anxiety strikes anyone without showing mercy or consideration to age, health or your re-existing state of mind. Almost the entire population of this planet is grappled by anxiety, be it about family, profession, relationships, health, competition and what not!

What is Anxiety?

It is a fact that some of us are more predisposed to extreme anxiety than others, which leads to shallow breathing, fast heart rate, uncontrolled sweating and clouded thinking.
You want to break free desperately, but feel so stifled by hysterical mental attacks that everything seems so bleak, so intimidating.
Yeah, I know how you feel because I’ve experienced every one of these symptoms at some stage in my pre-yoga life.
Before we know, it soon assumes the form of an unrelenting habit that threatens to jeopardize your well-being and life itself! The causes of anxiety can be wide-ranging but the important thing is to know you have a serious problem on hand when you experience these symptoms: inability to breathe, eat or think properly; dizziness, irregular heart beat and unconsciousness. And that’s when you need immediate medical attention.
Why You Must Take Anxiety Seriously
When left untreated, anxiety can trigger a host of health ailments like hypertension, stroke, heart problems and other organ failures.
Even if it does not become that serious a predicament, you deserve to have a stress free life to live our life to the fullest. You deserve to relax, be happy and continent….without any anti anxiety pills!
Why our Healthcare System Fails to Help us in Anxiety
If you’re wondering why we’re all making a big deal out of something as common as anxiety, think again.
The vicious cycle of being forced to consume prescription drugs (with all their damaging side effects), which seem to work only partially only to leave you feel more miserable, and realizing they’re not covered by your insurance is something most of us would have gone through.
The increasing prices of these drugs are another problem that we need to deal with.
Medicines aren’t getting any cheaper and the more high profile the drug, the costlier it usually is.

Home Remedies for Anxiety

Amidst all these challenges, it is only natural to feel even more anxious and tense in the absence of an imminent solution.
However, there is always a glimmer of hope amidst all problems and that comes to us in the form of safe and natural home treatment, which range from supplements to herbs to mind relaxation techniques.
I am not saying this just because I am a yoga buff; I am saying this because yoga is perhaps the only long-term and most natural solution to help you get rid of anxiety.
Pranayamas (breathing exercises), asanas (poses), deep breathing and other workouts will leave you feel fresh and alive. Yoga does not have to be scary or laborious; just fix a regime that works well with your schedule and focus on breathing. Believe it or not, just breathing right can go a long way in reducing anxiety.
Experimenting with rejuvenating fragrances is also a great way to combat anxiety. Essentials like Jasmine, Lavender and Rose are the most helpful in this regard because they make you feel completely elevated. You can experience aromatherapy in a bath, or simply use them while resting.
While a lot of us would have heard about the advantages of using Magnesium supplement, I’ve found it to be really good for anxiety problems because it works on the mood-influencing neurotransmitters of our brain. When your body lacks it, the levels of stress and depression increase.
Whenever you feel anxious, try drinking a cup of chamomile to assuage your nerves. Some compounds such as Matricaria recutita work in the same way as brain soothing Valium.
Green Tea
If you want to be as relaxed and unfazed as meditating Buddhist monks do what they do. Yes, drinking green tea regularly (at least 5 cups a day) helps slow down the heart rate while combating hypertension. When that happens, your anxiety levels also tend to come down!
Herbs can be easily found in health stores, malls and pharmacy ships, not to mention the internet. These include Valerian, passion flower and Ashwagandha. However, valerian has sedative qualities which may not be a bad thing at all, especially if you’ve been struggling with insomnia and stress.